Free Test 133 Created on March 01, 2023 By MDHP Centre TGT SAMPLE PAPER 1 / 2 1. Capital Of India? 1. New delhi 2. Kolkata 3. Punjab 4. HARYANA 2 / 2 2. Who is the President of India? 1. APJ Kalam 2. Mrs.Murmu 3. Mr.x 4. Mr.Y Your score isThe average score is 77% LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte 0% Restart quiz /3 1 votes, 1 avg 54 Created on March 01, 2023 Mathematic Quiz Math quiz helps us to increase our knowledge 1 / 3 1. 5*40 1. 300 2. 100 3. 200 2 / 3 2. 10+20 1. 30 2. 40 3. 50 3 / 3 3. 150/3 1. 60 2. 50 3. 100 Your score is LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte 0% Restart quiz Please rate this quiz Send feedback